Friday, October 15, 2010

Learn how to create your family tree online in 15 minutes!

You might work on your chart of family history in minutes - really!  Don't waste another unproductive time!  If you have been turned off building your family tree because you don't want to spend lots of money by buying software costly and difficult to use, then it is good news for you!  Stop waiting!

Fifteen minutes from now you could be looking a family tree filled with your immediate family.What do you expect to? let them now! 

It seems that almost overnight, the Internet has dramatically changed how people live and work – and how they develop and share family tree diagrams.
It doesn't matter if you are a novice genealogy or an experienced veteran - whatever your level of experience - you should consider creating and sharing your family tree online.

A load of free websites are there on the Internet with the aim to help graphics build, those of their family history - and it seems new keeps popping on the Internet every month or two.
Essentially everyone of these sites all perform the same functions primary, with only slightly minor differences between them.

Some of the features you can expect to find a free family tree Web site:

easy startNo software to install (but an Internet connection is required)! free of user-friendly utiliserinterface (person non-geek!)Easily share your family tree with other online collaboration (working with others online) control access to your site.

Here is a list of websites I used (it is not an exhaustive list - there are there more sites on the Internet!):


These sites are great, free and easy applications designed to help you and your family create a diagram of beautiful family history in a very short time. I prefer Geni because I am a user of Facebook and Geni will integrate with Facebook very easily.Other sites do not have the feature of Facebook.

[Note: you should really join Facebook as a tool to help for the généalogie.Regarder for an article on using Facebook me].

Are you ready to begin? First, you must have an e-mail account before register on these sites libre.Si genealogy you do not have an e-mail account, you should get one for free from or or

Then, visit the listed sites, register and create a free account.Some sites will allow you to start building immediately your diagram tree généalogique.Autres sites will ask you to confirm your account using your email address before you begin.If this is the case for you, simply access your email account and find the confirmation email.Follow the steps in the confirmation email.

Finally, you can start building your family tree diagram!Most of these sites beginning with you as point focal center of the family tree.As indicate you the names of others in your tree it grow quickly up to what is enough impressionnant.Le faster the more information that lets you enter, the largest and fastest your tree grows.

It is not long until you have a diagram to be proud and share with your family and friends.And this is where the real power of the Internet takes place and multiplies your efforts! after having a basis of a family tree, you should invite family and friends to help you create the tree again.They can join online and add more names in the tree, reducing your time to work and research!

Adding names to your tree is so simple that even a child could the faire.Il are arrows pointing in each direction around each name on your arborescence.Cliquez arrow and enter the information for this personne.La "until" is for the parents.Les arrow "left and right" arrows are spouses or "partners".the "arrow" is for most enfants.La sites allow also include a picture of each person in your tree and indicating whether they are alive or deceased, married or divorced.

The Internet has changed surely how genealogists and enthusiasts family history gathering .Maintenant information can help you build a family tree online - free! don't know what will be if that is you start - motivate! start right now and you could have a complete family tree in a few minutes!

Jeff Kona is a genealogy enthusiast and author of "Who's in your tree?".For more information about how to build your family tree online

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