How do you intend to share your family tree to date? Remember that you will never complete a family tree, so don't expect not until it is perfect and detailed at a high level. At some point in time, you will want to share this family tree with your family, your cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents, etc.
I assume that you have long discussed your search with these parents, maybe when you the interviewed for more information, they may have. They had perhaps family stories of the ancestors that you could use your research on the various lines of families, documents and photographs. You probably found, like many people, that they were happy to share information and have been very pleased that someone else - you - were this search!It seems to be at least one person every other generation interested in all things généalogiques.Votre responsibility and family history is to share your information!
Here are some of the successful ways, others have shared their results genealogy with parents
1 Meetings.
For meetings or family picnic, you have a table of information about the ancestors of each, with multiple photo albums organised by date.You could also post a large sheet of paper with family tree listed on it.This could be done professionally, or you could do this by hand, copy details groups familiaux.Si impressions move you each line of the family, parents may find their part .Avec tree a little planning, you will notice that you can make a smaller tree for each line of the family, for the persons concerned to take home with them. You also may be able to fill in a few histories more, heard speak more families momentoes or photographs, treasures as pores people on the details that you have found to date. Take about 8 months or on such a meeting and involve some parents too in the planning phase!
2 Family history book.
It is possible to make a family history book at any time, with any details you have gathered at this version can use part of your software to mount a book basic family tree family tree database publishing software. Or you can make your own paper type from any word processing software or by simply typing the bare information OS of your ancestors. Perhaps, you can create a type style album book, with a copy of the photos, details of residences, titles of the time, or more, interspersed with descriptions of each family unit. You can choose to make a family history of one or two lines families book only. There are no correct way to set a "book" of your family history.
3 Online family trees.
Many companies will allow you to download your family tree on their site for free. They generally protect persons details "life" If you specify as the life or private individuals. And well, they often allow you to specify who can even watch the tree by ligne.Si you decide to do this, make sure that retain you control of all the information you collect.If there are errors found relatives, they should email you (or call) to tell you of any error or an error, they believe they have found; you can then modify the tree with any corrections.Make sure that you understand how you can access your family tree on the site, and you can both upload and download the tree at any time.Request technical support for details on how this process takes place, and how the information is kept secret.If you decide to allow the public to see your information, you must be absolutely certain relatives living today are not included in the tree .for example, you can decide to break the tree several different lines for example, your grandparents families and then download each with a different name for tree current.real this way, your own parents and not detailed children online.Or, simply download a tree, after deleting details of living descendants.
Once the tree is online, you can invite parents to access and display the whole family tree.You must keep yourself as the only editor tree, so that you (and you alone) can make changes to the otherwise détails.Dans, it could get pretty ridiculous if too many people begin to change things because they believe that their details are more correct than what you have studied!Also, as parents you send information or photographs or documents they have found, you can search and download these components, attaching them to persons in the tree by ligne.Au over time, your tree can be very detailed!
4. Copy the database to the parents.
You can make a copy of your family tree and send it to your proches.Par show them how to download software free family tree and then open your tree in the program, you will be able to share a copy of famille.Copies tree are performed by having the software program "export" the entire tree in a GEDCOM - format is a format very commun.Cela condenses the information in a way that allows you to "Import" in any other software family tree - a very useful feature! always export tree with credentials: export date and the name of your Rep.
You can find also in other ways interesting to share the family tree - be creative and inventive information and see what can be particularly useful and interesting for your proches.Albums, published histories, inventive and creative, posters reams of paper of the entire tree, on a website online, copies of the database (e.g. CD or DVD): all these and more are close ways be able enjoy learning more about their ancestors.
Retired individual rehabilitation and family counselling fields, Celia is anxious to provide quality information, resources and services for beginners in the généalogie.Si you are a beginner, see RootsBasic booklet, - an inexpensive guide to help you get started, including practical you protect free organisée.Ressources forms: articles, newsletters, links online and more RootsBasic on: Genealogy for beginners.
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